Eskil Schilling

Eskil Schilling

Eskil is authorized level 2 ashtanga teacher by Paramguru Sharath Jois. He has been a dedicated ashtanga practitioner since 1999, teaching his first astanga class in 2006. Since 2011, he has traveled regularly to the SYC Sharath Yoga Center in Mysore (formerly K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute - KPJAYI) in Mysore, India, for extended stays to deepen his practice.

Eskil first opened the Astanga Yoga Studio in 2009 with his friend and fellow ashtanga enthusiast Robin Arnold, both of them passionate about sharing the authentic, traditional practice with the Copenhagen community. For well over a decade, he has been holding daily Mysore classes, tirelessly engaged with practitioners to inspire, guide, and assist them their individual journeys.

“I love sharing the practice. I love the independence, clarity and structure, and that anyone can do it, but you have to put in the effort. Ashtanga is an amazing practice that yields tremendous results, but it does require, discipline, dedication, humility, devotion and consistency to really dive into the magic."

More about Eskil

Eskil combines his teaching with a degree from 1995 in health and nutrition as well as many years of experience in the field. For many years, he ran a diet and nutrition guidance clinic, holding courses and lectures throughout Denmark. He also wrote hundreds of columns and articles for "Workout and Fitness Magasinet", "Månedesmagasinet IN" and later "Femina” until 2010, stopping only to focus on the newly opened Astanga Yoga Studio.

In addition to his experience in the astanga practice, Eskil was for over 20 years a student of the Wing Tsun style of martial arts. His deep interest in the science and application of body mechanics complements his strong understanding of the traditional practice, and helps him guide practitioners in developing their practices properly.

Eskil’s paths of discovery and understanding of yoga started in 1990 with a daily practice of TM meditation. Within a few years, he expanded his spiritual quest with an intense study and practice of pranayama, japa and hatha yoga, as well as an immersion in Indian mysticism and yoga philosophy under the guidance of great spiritual teachers. Since 1995 he has regular travelled to India to study and deepen his knowledge and experience.

Eskil underviser i astanga yoga traditionen fra SYC Sharath Yoga Center i Mysore (tidligere K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute - KPJAYI), som han med stor glæde har dyrket uafbrudt siden 1999. Han startede sin spirituelle rejse i 1990 med daglig praksis af meditation, pranayama, japa og hatha yoga og fordybelse i indisk mystik og yogafilosofi. Var på sin første spirituelle rejse til Indien i 1995 og har siden været på mange fordybelsesrejser og retreats i Indien, i Danmark og mange andre lande. Han underviste første gang i 2006 og har siden 2011 årligt rejst til Mysore i Indien, på månedslange ophold, for at fordybe sig i sin yoga praksis hos hans lærer Paramguru Sharath Jois. Han er autoriseret level 2 lærer fra Instituttet i Mysore. Sammen med hans gode ven og astanga entusiast Robin Arnold åbnede han i 2009 Astanga Yoga Studio, hvor han vejleder og assisterer andre udøvere i deres astanga yoga rejse. Har udover yoga mange års træning og undervisnings erfaring fra kampkunst og fitness. Er uddannet ernæringsøkonom og idrætsleder. Har i mange år drevet kostklinikken og underviser og afholder kurser og foredrag om kost, ernæring og sundhed og har i mange år været ernærings- og sundheds skribent for Aller Medier.

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